The development of the BPJS Kesehatan Mobile application is a real manifestation of BPJS Kesehatan's commitment to providing easy access and optimal service for participants. Through this application, participants can access various information related to the National Health Insurance program organized by BPJS Kesehatan quickly and easily, anywhere and anytime.
Various features that can be used by participants include:
JKN Program Info
Displays information about BPJS Kesehatan
Participant Info
Searches for participant data via card number, NIK or Family Card Number Health Facility
Location Info
Searches for and displays a map of health facility locations based on branches and their nearest locations
Contribution Info
Searches for information about participant bills
Virtual Account Info
Searches for participant Virtual Account Numbers based on NIK
New Participant Registration, registering yourself as a Non-Wage Receiving Participant
The BUGAR feature
obtains Fitness data by connecting the JKN mobile application with the HealthConnect feature via the user's Google account
Health and Fitness information data that you provide directly to us when you use our Application and/or that is connected to a smart device or the Internet of Things, including but not limited to:
Fitness Activities (Time, Steps, Calories, Distance, Height)
Body Measurements (Body Fat, Bone Mass, Height, Hip Circumference, Lean Body Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, Waist Circumference, Weight)
Cycle Recording (Cervical Mucus, Cervical Position, Menstruation, Ovulation Test, Sexual Activity, Intermenstrual Bleeding, Lactation)
Sleep (Sleep Session, Sleep Stages)
Vital Signs (Basal Body Temperature, Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Body Temperature, Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, Oxygen Saturation, Respiratory Rate, Resting Heart Rate)
For more information please contact the BPJS Kesehatan Information Service Center:
Call: 165
Complaint Channel:
BPJS Kesehatan memperkenalkan fitur Telehealth di aplikasi Mobile JKN untuk memberikan kemudahan layanan kesehatan bagi peserta JKN-KIS untuk berkonsultasi langsung dengan dokter fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama (FKTP) secara daring. Pastikan aplikasi Mobile JKN Anda telah diperbarui ke versi terbaru!
BPJS Kesehatan introduces the Telehealth feature in the Mobile JKN application to provide easy health services for JKN-KIS participants to consult directly with doctors at first-level health facilities (FKTP) online. Make sure your Mobile JKN application has been updated to the latest version!
Have JKN contribution arrears? Let's register for the REHAB (Gradual Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to make payments of contribution arrears in stages until they are paid off
BUGAR feature
obtain Fitness data by connecting the JKN mobile application with the HealthConnect feature through the user's google account
Have JKN contribution arrears? Let's register for the REHAB (Gradual Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to make payments of contribution arrears in stages until they are paid off
BUGAR feature
obtain Fitness data by connecting the JKN mobile application with the HealthConnect feature through the user's google account
Have outstanding JKN contributions? Come on, register for the REHAB (Gradual Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to pay their arrears in stages until they are paid in full.
Have outstanding JKN contributions? Come on, register for the REHAB (Gradual Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to pay outstanding contributions in stages until they are paid off.
Have outstanding JKN contributions? Come on, register for the REHAB (Gradual Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to pay their arrears in stages until they are paid off.
Have arrears in JKN contributions? Come on, register for the REHAB (Phased Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to make payment of arrears in dues in stages until it is paid off
Have arrears in JKN contributions? Let's register for the REHAB (Phased Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to make payment of arrears in dues in stages until it is paid off
Got JKN contribution arrears? Let's register for the REHAB (Phased Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to make payment of arrears in dues in stages until it is paid off
Have arrears in JKN contributions? Let's register for the REHAB (Phased Payment Plan) program. The REHAB program provides relief and makes it easier for participants to make payment of arrears in dues in stages until it is paid off.
Yuk gunakan Mobile JKN sekarang juga, hanya dengan sentuhan ujung jari semua bisa teratasi
Butuh informasi seputar pelayanan program JKN?
Atau ingin mengadukan keluhan yang dialami?
Ajukan pertanyaan atau keluhanmu melalui menu Pengaduan Layanan JKN di Mobile JKN
Yuk lakukan Skrinning Kesehatan melalui Mobile JKN untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh kondisi kesehatanmu, cukup sekali dalam setahun
“Yuk lakukan Skrinning Kesehatan melalui Mobile JKN untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh kondisi kesehatanmu, cukup sekali dalam setahun”
Daftar Antrian Faskes, Ubah Segmen Kepesertaan, dan Konsultasi dengan dokter kini lebih mudah, cukup melalui Mobile JKN
Daftar Antrian Faskes, Ubah Segmen Kepesertaan, dan Konsultasi dengan dokter kini lebih mudah, cukup melalui Mobile JKN
Penyempurnaan Aplikasi
Penyempurnaan Aplikasi
Penyempurnaan Aplikasi
bug fixed
Minor Bugs Fixed
-Inform Consent pada fitur Pendaftaran Peserta Baru
-Ubah Data BBL
-Perubahan tampilan halaman awal setelah update versi terbaru Aplikasi Mobile JKN
Form login hanya bisa input no kartu pada bagian username
Penambahan Simpan User Login
Perubahan password secara langsung dengan melakukan verifikasi by SMS OTP
Penambahan Login Biometric
Penambahan Signal Indikator
Penyesuaian Fitur Registrasi User Mobile JKN hanya input No Kartu BPJS dan Password, Verifikasi by SMS OTP
Penutupan OTP melalui E-mail
Penutupan fitur perubahan No HP di Mobile JKN dan di arahkan ke Call Center 1500 400
Penerapan 65% dari feedback Heuristic Evaluation
Bug Fixing
Fitur Bridging Antrean FKRTL versi 2
- Fitur Pindah Kanal Autodebet
a. Penambahan Autodebet (BCA, i-Saku, DOKU)
b. Penambahan notifikasi Penonaktifan Peserta (PHK, Meninggal, Keluar Kemauan Sendiri, Habis PKS)
c. Penyesuaian mapping kolom agama antara webservice Dukcapil dengan Masterfile
d. Penyesuaian notifikasi pada fitur Ubah Identitas BBL
e. Pembukaan fitur Ubah Data untuk segmen Kepesertaan PD Pemda
f. Penyesuaian Perhitungan Tagihan untuk Peserta Bayi Baru Lahir (BBL) Berdasarkan Perpres 64/2020 untuk Tahun 2021
a. Penambahan Anggota Keluarga untuk segmen :
- BP PN (Perintis Kemerdekaan, Veteran, Pensiunan PPU PN)
b. Pendaftaran Bayi Baru Lahir untuk segmen PBI JK
c. Fitur Perubahan Data Identitas Bayi Baru Lahir (Nama & NIK) untuk segmen :
- PD Pemda
- PPU Swasta
a. Ubah Segmen ke PBPU Wajib Autodebet
b. Fitur BPJS Pay
a. Fitur Ubah FKTP :
- Untuk segmen PBI APBN, Bukan Pekerja, PPU PN
- Peserta yang masuk pada daftar redistribusi faskes boleh melakukan perubahan faskes sebelum 3 bulan
b. Fitur Perubahan Segmen Kepesertaan PBPU
- PPU Non Aktif ke PBPU
- PBI APBN Non Aktif ke PBPU
- PD Pemda Non Aktif ke PBPU
c. Fitur Pendaftaran Baru
- Validasi Peserta Identik
- Penambahan anggota keluarga
- Reaktivasi VA bagi calon Peserta PBPU baru yang sudah mendaftar namun belum melakukan pembayarn pertama lebih dari 30 hr
a. Fitur Pembukaan Validasi dan tambahan warning bagi Faskes Non Aktif dibulan depan
b. Fitur Pendaftaran Autodebet BRI
1 .Pendartaran Autodebet menggunakan Bank BTN
2 OTP SMS Indosat
Fitur Portal Berita Jamkesnews
a. Top 10 Most Popular pada Menu Utama
b. Sub Menu Berita pada Menu Artikel